Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sorry Everyone!

I am so sorry I hadn't fixed the background.... I completely forgot about it in all the Christmas chaos...

This one looks much better (personally), so let me know what you think!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Poll Results

This poll was not very successful, but I suppose it was quite a dumb poll :P

The Question:
Which is your favourite musical?

The Options and Answers:

Grease - 0 (0%)
Les Miserables - 1 (20%)
The Phantom of the Opera (!) - 4 (80%)
Strictly Ball-Room - 0 (0%)
Hair-Spray - 0 (0%)

As I said it was a dumb poll, but the results were so obvious that it was fun!


Monday, January 11, 2010


I'm not sure if I'm meant to be doing a post or not..... if I'm not, very sorry!
I made two polls the other week and I thought I would just post the results.

Poll One:

Which is your favourite song?

Angel of Music - 6 (66%)
Wishing you were somehow here again - 5 (55%)
Prima Donna - O (0%)
All I ask of you - 2(22%)
Masquerade - 2 (22%)
The Phantom of the Opera - 7 (77%)

With the obvious result that 'The Phantom of the Opera' won, followed by 'Angel of Music'.
Poll Two:

Which is one your favourite character?
Phantom (Erik) - 7 (87%)
Christine - 4 (50%)
Rauol - 2 (25%)
Meg - 2 (37%)
Carlotta (the Diva) - 0 (0%)
Andre and Firmin - 0 (0%)
Madame Giri - 1 (12%)

Again, with the obvious result that Phantom (Erik) won, followed by Christine.


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