Some of you already know me, but for those of you who don't, my blog is called Inside My Mind, the title I actually took from a 'Phantom' lyric.
I first heard the Phantom music two years ago and have loved it ever since! I've written fan fiction and done Phantom-themed art work. The novel is my favorite book and I've read it at least four times over again all of the way through. I cry at the end every time.
My brother plays all of the songs on the piano and I sing along. Sometimes I sing through the entire song book, but usually we just do our three or four favorites.
In February I saw the musical on stage and it was breathtaking! At the beginning when the overture plays and the chandelier is raised I felt chills going up and down my spine. It is, without a doubt, one of those moments that I won't ever forget. At the end of the musical, when Erik disappears and Meg finds his mask I felt tears running down my face. It was so beautiful and sad.
I've taken quite a few Phantom quizzes. They always say that the character I am most like is Christine and my result to the quiz to figure out which lyric I was is at the bottom of my post.
The reason I am so thrilled to have met tinydancer and to be a part of this blog is that I only knew of one other Christian who liked Phantom before this. It is wonderful now to be able to talk about such an incredible musical with other young people who share my religious and world views!
I must admit: I am a Christine/Erik fan! Raoul, to me, though admirable in some aspects, is somewhat of a baby. I believe that Christine should have married Erik and eased his sorrow and made his life full of joy.
I hope to be able to get to know all of you better and to see this blog become a wonderful place for fellow Phans to help Erik "make the music of the night..."
"Pitiful creature of darkness,
What kind of life have you known?
God give me courage to show you,
You are not alone..."
yay!!! :D
but i have not yet met a person who actually likes raoul! i think he's sweet...
Raoul IS sweet... I just like Erik WAY better! Whom do you prefer?
Hi Cassie, Hi tinydancer!
:) Well I have to admit I like Erik better, he just seems more 'hero like' than Raoul. But I love the whole story!
Wow, is this awesome or what??!!! I am certainly a phantom phan :) Now, I think you ought to keep to background just black... that's what I'd do; but, of course, you can do what you like :P
Hehe! It's funny how people think or Raoul as such a baby! Have you read the book? He's alot more of a baby in there... always crying and fainting, being petted by his older brother etc. I do like him, but the phantom is WAY better!
Keep up the good work... you've done really great so far =D
~ Rach
ps. am I allowed to become a member?
duh, i like that Phantom better! it's just that i know some people blame Raoul for making Erik miserable, because he 'made' Christine fall in love with him. Or something along those ridiculous lines. So i try to stick up for Raoul when I can. :)
oops. hay Rachael,
anyone is allowed to become a member! All I need is your email address. :)
YES! Raoul isn't to blame... but I agree, I like him better in the musical than in the book. He is more of a baby in the novel!
Erik is incredible, though!
Kathy- I've known you for over a year and didn't know that you like Phantom! Wow! I'm finishing your letter today.
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