Yeah, pretty scary! The mask is missing I know, but in the book, the mask wasn't what we picture today. It was a full, life like, wax mask that he would wear when he went out, or didn't feel like giving Christine a heart attack :) lol
Now, the first Musical was the Ken Hill version in 1976. The phantom was played by Todd Alan Johnson:
The second version of the musical that we are all much more familiar with was by Andrew Loyd Weber in 1986. The Phantom was played my Michael Crawford:

Now, the first Musical was the Ken Hill version in 1976. The phantom was played by Todd Alan Johnson:
The second version of the musical that we are all much more familiar with was by Andrew Loyd Weber in 1986. The Phantom was played my Michael Crawford:

The musical Haley (tinydancer) and I went to see was AWESOME! The Phantom was played by Jason Mills who did a magnificent job:

He he he...

He he he...
The movie that is featured in most of the pictures on our sidebar are from the 2004 motion picture. The phantom was played by Gerard Butler:

Notice that they get less scary with each picture and the mask gets smaller... My personal favorite is Jason Mills. His voice was almost exactly like Michael Crawford! Michael Crawford has one of those voices that could make me cry if he wanted me to... Anyway, I will enjoy hearing your thoughts!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE GERARD BUTLER! In my opinion (you don't have to agree) he's the BEST Phantom there every was! :D
I think that Gerard Butler is the best looking out of them all, but that has nothing to do with it! in fact, that probably means he's the worst phantom of all time! if only they would make a movie out of the book! now THAT would be GREAT!!!!!
I agree with Rachael. And with ivorydancer, of course. Jason Mills did SUCH a good job playing the Phantom, it's hard to even consider any other guy. :)
But Gerard Butler is soooooooo good looking! *swoon*
I agree with Rachel and tinydancer. Gerard was too handsome to play Erik.
The Phantom that I saw in Feb. whose-name-escapes was amazing as well!
Good on you, Cassie!! let's let the world know :P have you read the book??
Oh, Rachael! The novel is my all-time, 100% FAVORITE book ever!!!
How about you? Have you read it?
I've read it, I love it!
skipped to the end. yes. I plead guilty. the first time I read it, I had a friend (ivorydancer, it was Brittany) who was reading it, too, and she kept talking about her favorite chapter being one of the last ones. So, i gave in. Finally, I had to skip to the end. I'm re-reading it though!!!
You skipped to the end?!?!?!? Bad tinydancer! LOL!
It's a good thing that you're rereading it. The book in its entirety is incredible!
Yeah, I've read it. first time I watched the Emmy Rossum movie I was like, "Wow, that's awesome!" then about a year or so later I read the book and was totally blown away by how awesome it was! then I watched the movie again, recently: "Okay, so it's not that great, but it's pretty cool! The book beats it by far!" :P
So yeah, that's my all-time, 100% favourite novel too!! =D
Tinydancer... you ought to be ashamed of yourself! Read and re-read it 100 hundred times, like a true fan :P
*looking piously at the ground*
I apologize sincerely to everyone. I realize the graveness of my actions and the grievousness towards the story of the Phantom. I also beg the Phantom's forgiveness, in addition to Gaston Leroux's.
There, there. *comforts tinydancer* as long as you are sorry, there's no really harm done. LOL!!!
I've read the novel at least four times all of the way through and am not tired of it yet!
Hey! I have an idea! How about every author on this blog, whenever they have the time, write their own book review for the novel?
Cassie, that is an excellent idea!! I like your thinking...
I've never even read the books before. Just watched the 2004 version with Gerard and Emmy. And, how can you say Gerard is "too handsome"???!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? There's no such thing! LOL jk =D I do admit, I haven't seen anyother versions of the phantom, so I wouldn't really know who's the best. I just say Gerard is because he's absolutely adorable! <3 *giggles*
Gerard is VERY handsome, and, in real life, there is no such thing as being TOO handsome. But, he is supposed to be portraying the Phantom who is supposed to have REVOLTINGLY ugly and deformed looks. Doesn't seem like Gerard gave the wrong impression of that?
Cassie: Yes, it does. I agree with y'all, I just think Gerard is handsome. Now, when he's not wearing the mask (like, him in real life) I don't think he's that attractive. I like him sooo much better with a mask on. Makes him look more mysterious and withdrawn. :)
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