Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Okay, first I want to say this is NOT permanent. I kept the code for the other background if you would prefer it....... It may need some edits, so let me know what you think about it! Remember, this is a test drive. I wanted you to see it up...... comment and let me know if you like this one or the previous one XD


Anonymous said...

however, not to be picky or anything, but could I see what it would look like if you took off the little masks along the sides?

Ivorydancer said...

Yeah.... I'll do that asap

Ivorydancer said...

Problem...... I can't get the same picture on this computer......

Eldarwen said...

I love it just the way it is! =D

Ivorydancer said...

Do you all really like it? is there something I could try and change?

Cassandra said...

I really like it, but maybe the red checks seem a tiny tad bit psychedelic. Just my first impression. Maybe you could make it like a soil red curtain or something of the like?

I love the center though, it's AMAZING!

Rachael said...

why would you change it back to t'other one?? This is great! Of course, what the others said should change I agree with :P And maybe the title picture should be changed. I've been thinking something more clear and... obvious(?) would be better. If you don't want to keep making all the changes yourself, I can help out; I'd be more than happy to =)
Anyway, the background is very good! (did you discover or create it?)

Cassandra said...

Just so you all know: I've contacted someone about making the blog a new header, so no one else needs to do it. It is in the works.

Anonymous said...

Um, so. No one told me about this blog! You guys are WINNERS! I LOVE Phantom!!!!! Saw the touring cast a while ago -dies-
It's my favorite! :)

Cassandra said...

Hello Morgan! Yes, isn't Phantom amazing! Are you interested in becoming an author at all?

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