Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Headers!

My friend, Earwen made these for me and I'd like to know which one everybody likes the best!
(Personally, I like the first one... :D)
You can vote on the poll at the bottom of this post.


Anonymous said...

argh... i like both of them.............


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you like them! ^_^
They were fun to make. I'm sorry I took so long =)

Rachael said...

You did a very good job, Earwen!! A very good job, indeed...
I like the second one best, but they're both good, so either one will do fine. However, the second one represents what we want more, does it not? Erik, Christine, Angels of Music, Spirits &c. But whetever you girls like best, I'm sure will do :)

Cassandra said...

Rachael- I agree in a way. I like what the last one represents, but I like how the first one is more generally 'Phantom' and how grand it is.

How about I keep the first one up for now, and then I put the second one up for a week and then we'll see how we all feel?

Anonymous said...

that'll be good. ^^

Cassandra said...


Nonexistant anymore said...

I like the first one best but they're both really neat! Great job, Earwen!

About the favorite song poll, I have to say 'Wishing you were somehow here again' is my favorite because it seriously could have been written by the main character of my NaNovel. I also like 'All I ask of you' because it is so easily adapted to fit my NaNo characters. :)

Tessa Voccola said...

oh I love this movie! The sound track is AWESOME!

Tessa Voccola said...

oh to bad it's over...I kind of liked the second one.

Anonymous said...

tessa/lorenias, the votes still up: we're going to have the first one up for a week, and then the second one up for a week, and then we're going to vote again...

so glad you found us!!! it's so cool when we find other phantom phreaks...... ^^

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