Monday, October 19, 2009

A background worthy of Erik's awesomeness.

I do not believe that this background gives any credit to Erik, or the whole opera for that matter. And I'm having a hard time choosing. So, I'm putting it to a vote: here's some pics of a few cool backgrounds I found.

I'm not exactly sure if I like any of them, but tell me what you think!!!


"You alone can make my song take flight;
Help me make the music of the night."


Eldarwen said...

I definitely like the first background! :) Love the blog! I should tell my sis' about this. She LOVES the Phantom of the Opera!


Cassandra said...

I like the first one, but I think that the second one has the most "Erik" feel.

Calico Zak said...

The first one.

It fits it better.

~Calico Zak

Emily Ann said...

Tinydancer, if you want I could make a phantom of the opera background for you. But if you would rather use one of those, I would pick the first one.

Cassandra said...

No, wait, after consideration, I like the first one better. :D

Ivorydancer said...

I like the second one!!!!!

Marissa Kayann said...

The first one =)

Danaphanous said...

I think the second one is more Erik and the first is more Christine...but both are pretty...

Anonymous said...

why don't I do this?
I'll set the first one up for a week, and then I'll put the second one up for a week. Then, I'll put a poll on the sidebar and see which one everyone likes then. With these sorts of backgrounds, it's hard to tell.

Cassandra said...

That would work tinydancer!

Anonymous said...

alright! i'll start it up Sunday. :)

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