Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cassie's Thoughts on the Emmy vs. Sarah Poll...

I don't have a lot of time, so I'll be brief:

When I first heard the Phantom CD, it was Sarah Brightman and I loved her voice!

Then, when I saw the show on stage, I thought that out actress was even better than Sarah.

Next, I saw the movie and I was blow away by Emmy's perfectness for the part!!! I still think that Sarah has a gorgeous voice, but Emmy's is divine!

I think that Sarah was very mature sounding and Emmy has the sweetness and innocence that is implied in the novel.

If you read the comments going back and forth on the post below, I can predict a Michael vs. Gerard poll coming next...


Anonymous said...

Exactly!!! she does fit the part better.
And yes, Michael/Gerard will come soon. :P

Cassandra said...

tinydancer- I thought that you were a Sarah advocate?

Rachael said...

Emmy is sooooo much better!!!!

if my email comes in use here is is:

Anonymous said...

no, I like Emmy when it comes to the part she was supposed to play. I think Sarah's voice is... better, more professional, that's all.

And Rachael, do you want to be part of this blog? I'd love to add you as an author!!!

Cassandra said...

Oh, tinydancer, Okay.

Rachel, I added you!

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