Monday, October 19, 2009


This is tinydancer.
This blog, if you haven't been able to tell, is devoted to the Phantom of the Opera. My friends and I will post things like our favorite scenes from the movie and the actual Opera, favorite characters and interesting facts about the characters themselves. Clips of the books, things that strike us about lyrics, so on and so forth. Also, everyone who joins as an author must choose a line from one of the songs to put at the end of each of their posts. It doesn't have to be the same line each post, but I thought it would be a cool way to sign them. :)
So, enjoy!

Anywhere you go,
Let me go too;
Love me,
That's all I ask of you...

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

Oh! I'm so excited! I'll think up my lyrics. I took a quiz once that told me what lyric I was. I might use that. Just a suggestion, you might want to make the text a bit bigger because it is hard to read.

I'm so excited! I'll post my email in another comment

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