Of course, I was naturally excited when it came out. It's the sequel to one of the best musicals/books, etc. ever! Andrew Lloyd Webber is a genius and I could only expect spectacular music from him... It had to be wonderful!
Unfortunately, after reading the plot summary from Wikipedia that I posted HERE, I have decided that I will most likely never see the Love Never Dies musical on stage. I hate the fact that they changed Meg's and Madame Giry's characters and that (even though Raoul was never my favorite character) that he was turned into a drunk and a selfish, weak man. Even though he was never the best of characters (he was whiny and jealous) he was always brave and self-less and he truly loved Christine with his whole heart. I also am not fond of the relationship implied between Christine and Erik... just too much going on there with Gustave, etc.
Anyway, with that being said, I must admit that I have heard some of the music already and I think that it is stunning. I'll probably purchase my favorite songs from iTunes, but I will not be listening to the musical as a whole like I do with 'Phantom'. Sorry, 'Love Never Dies' just isn't the same...
Oh! There is a poll on the sidebar asking what you think of 'Love Never Dies' I'd love to see everyone's thoughts, so VOTE! =D
Pitiful creature of darkness,
What kind of life have you known?
God give me courage to show you,
You are not alone...
yeah, it's a big bummer they changed it up so much. I have to admit, I really don't like it that they changed Raoul because he WAS one of my favorite characters...... >:/
oh well, I guess that's what you expect from something that comes not-from-the-book........ :/
This review is literally speaking to my soul right now. Everything I thought as well!
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