Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Phantom Ice Dancing at the Olymipics

I was reading some old comments and I came across this one in particular:
Blogger Clare said...
hey everyone, I posted her a while perhaps you remember... anyway, I was completely glued to the olympics in vancouver, and i thought of this blog while watching the ice dancing portion. Americans Meryl Davis and Charlie White danced to the Phantom of the Opera and the Music of the Night. If you didn't see it, here's the link: I was really blown away by their performance, but they came in second.
March 2, 2010 9:02 AM

Pitiful creature of darkness,
What kind of life have you known?
God give me courage to show you,
You are not alone...


Rachael said...

yeah, I watched that on TV and on YouTube...... it's absolutely amazing!! Although, (I know, this isn't relavent!) I think the Canadians who won first prize were the best... you really should look them up, too :P
Anyway, thanks for putting this up, Cassie!

Eldarwen said...

Oh, I saw this on TV! I debated whether or not to video it a post about it, because I was like, "Omigoodness, mom! Listen!" I ended up not videoing it, but I certainly meant to post about it. I guess I forgot. :) Whoops!


Anonymous said...

oh dear, I really liked this one, and I think that their performance was perfect, I think it might have been the music that put them in for silver.
the exchanges between the Phantom of the Opera and the Music of the Night seemed awkward to me. I think that if they had even just used the epilogue and the Music of the Night, it would have been a much smoother, easier performance. or even just the epilogue.... even though i loved the part where they were dancing to the Music of the Night...

lol, just my thoughts. loved watching it though, thanks for posting it!!! :D

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